Runners World Article on Pressure Free

The Bridge
During long-distance and trail running things heat up and the foot begins to swell and runners start to experience pressure across the bridge of the foot. That build up of pressure can create all sorts of discomfort and a sudden need to ditch the shoe as soon as possible.
By adding in-mesh panels to the sock the foot is able to stay cooler meaning less swelling and pressure. An anatomical fit – including arch support, seamless toe construction, and specific designs for left and right socks – all optimise the contact between foot and fabric and take away unnecessary pressure points.
With Falke’s new Pressure-Free sock there is a specific design aspect incorporated to alleviate the potential hotspot across the bridge of the foot. Falke has inserted a striated pad of channels on top of the foot which are able to move dynamically in response to the motion of the foot. This helps distribute the movement pressure and helps alleviate the build-up of in this area.
Eco Friendly
The socks are made up of BCOOL yarn that has been spun into fibre from recycled polymer. This new fibre has a high degree of abrasion resistance along with comfort and cushioning with no added weight. Importantly, the final product also has excellent moisture management properties that transport the perspiration, or water, away from the skin keeping the feet drier for longer.
Read more on Runner World HERE