The Positive side of Lockdown with Clint Morris Falke Brand Ambassador

I don’t think any of us would have anticipated a “locked down 2020” way of training. Our 2020 goals and aspirations, placed on an immediate abrupt hold! Or perhaps, there are different ways to look at this crazy global time we are in.
COVID has helped me discover a new appreciation for my ability to move, I have embraced a different way of exercising proving to be quite helpful and beneficial, it's helping me to develop habits and routines that I (think/hope) will carry forward beyond this time. I really feel as though the current situation is making us slow down and think about our "why's", in the world of running (or whatever other sport hobby you might have).
As a general rule, most athletes stick to a programmed way of training, eating and sleeping. COVID, may have thrown this all out of the window. How I have approached this is by recognising the opportunity in developing new and better habits. It is a bit of a learning curve for us all.
Here are a few daily practices I initiated to get through 2 months, (thus far), of lockdown;
- Daily mobility and physio exercises, a combination of stretching and yoga.
- Bodyweight strength workouts, add weights or home furniture for the extra weight needed.
- Fortunately, in New Zealand, we are able to get out and run, daily runs if possible. If not, HIIT workouts in the comfort of your home can also do wonders in keeping your heart rate up. It is also a good sweat sesh!
- Cleaner sustainable eating. Increase in vegetables and fruit. Decrease in meat and any treats or sugar substances (this is tough, I know!)
- Herbal tea has served as a great snack and sweet treat suppressor.
- Soup. Homemade vegetable soups, its perfect for winter and maintaining your regular vegetable intake.
- Reading, Reading and more Reading!
- Less time spent on social media or technology
Locked up in the flat with only yourself or flatmate company can be tricky, the adjustment will certainly set you back slightly, both physically and psychologically. Maintaining a positive outlook and using this time to improve myself has been a continuous focus. At the very early stages of lockdown, I had come off a grade 2 MCL tear, about 5 weeks of no running movement. As lockdown moved into month 2 did I only then begin running again. The “time off” whether injury or lockdown definitely has its benefits, make the most of it!
My advice to any beginner or advanced athlete, is to use the time to self-improve, mental strength is equally as important as physical, COVID is certainly pushing us to practice and develop this further.
- Clint Morris